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Named GP

Since April 2015 we have been required by the Government under the terms of the GP contract to allocate all our patients a named accountable GP.

Individual patients will be informed of your named accountable GP at the first appropriate interaction with the practice.

For convenience, if you have a medical card, your named accountable GP will be the doctor with whom you are registered.

Patients registering over the last 2 or 3 years will not have received a medical card as these are no longer routinely sent when registering with a new GP.

However, we do keep a record of your registered (named accountable) GP, so if you wish to know who your named accountable GP please ask at reception when you are next in the surgery – you don’t need to make a special trip. Please note: there is no need to phone the practice for this information either. You can also register to access your medical records online. This and all your medical information will then be accessible to you, in a safe and secure environment. That means being able to access this information when you need it, not just when the surgery is open.

If you want to express a preference as to which named accountable GP you have been assigned we will make reasonable efforts to accommodate this request although it will not make any material difference to your everyday care or your interactions with the surgery.

Having a named accountable GP does not prevent you seeing any other doctor in the practice.

Your named accountable GP will not be available at all times and if your needs are urgent you may need to discuss them with any available doctor as our practice takes responsibility for your care as a whole and our computer clinical system holds your up-to-date medical record that can be viewed by all our doctors and nurses whenever you consult them.

Page published: 3 July 2023
Last updated: 20 May 2024